Estonia starts testing digital immunity passport for workplaces
Estonia has started to test one of the world’s first digital immunity passports, created by a team including founders of global tech startups Transferwise and Bolt, seeking a safer return to workplaces following the coronavirus lockdown.
Source: Estonia starts testing …
Responding To Criticism Surrounding My Viral Documentary ‘The Plandemic’ – Dr. Judy Mikovits – London Real
Dr. Judy Mikovits is an American activist. She was also the star of controversial documentary Plandemic Part 1 which has made international headlines
Source: Responding To Criticism Surrounding My Viral Documentary ‘The Plandemic’ – Dr. Judy Mikovits – London Real…
‘A huge boost’: Coronavirus patients feared to have been reinfected had returned false positives, says South Korea
Dead virus fragments likely cause of more than 290 people testing positive again for Covid-19, explains committee for emerging disease control
Health authorities in South Korea have reported that patients who appeared to have been reinfected with coronavirus had in …
The way to beat the coronavirus – Real Time with Bill Maher
ARVE Error: Mode: lightbox not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
While you “stay at home”, don’t forget to weaken your immune system even more by…
- FACT: Isolation weakens your immune system.FACT: Sitting on your couch all day weakens your immune system.FACT: Excessive amounts of hand sanitizer weaken your immune system by killing your microbiome.FACT: Lack of fresh air and sunshine weakens your immune system.FACT: Lack
Potential interventions for novel coronavirus in China: A systematic review
Source: Potential interventions for novel coronavirus in China: A systematic review…
Three graphs that SHOULD make you think!
The figure below illustrates the peak incidences of various agents by season. Rhinoviruses, which account for a substantial percentage of URIs, are most active in spring, summer, and early autumn. Coronaviral URIs manifest primarily in the winter and early spring. …
This is how we used to get immune in the old times
The Covid-19 vaccine has been discovered. First photos from the human trials.
This is how we used to get immune in the old times.…
First Data to be Published on COVID-19 Severity and Vitamin D Levels
In several posts over recent months, we have discussed the many ways that optimal vitamin D levels are necessary to initiate and maintain a healthy immune response, especially within the respiratory system. Our paper, Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could …