Labour’s war on free speech

An unspoken maxim looms over the free speech crisis in our universities: it is only ever denied by those whose views fall in line with the current orthodoxy. For all its faults, and there were many, Britain’s previous government recognised …

Children Are Gifts, Not Projects

A few nights back I had the pleasure of attending a Brownstone Supper Club presentation by Sheila Matthews-Gallo, the founder of AbleChild, an organization that fights against the widespread practice of plying our children—mostly boys—with psychotropic drugs in the name …

The Service of Dissent

Is academic freedom becoming a casualty of the modern university, as the latter is transformed by the public-private partnerships that increasingly dominate our political life? 

Just before Easter, a Montreal man, father of four and full professor at a university …

Nightmares of the Elite

Almost every night, I have the exact same dream, which might be described as a mild nightmare. In my dreams, I realize the world needs to be warned about the 100-percent capture rate of society’s “truth-seeking” organizations. The dreams always …