Sex education is TMI

“In matters of sexuality we are at present, every one of us, ill or well, nothing but hypocrites”, said Freud —  a sentiment that came to mind as I watched reactions to the government’s announcement about sex education on Wednesday. …

It’s time to abolish GCSEs

And they’re off. A thunder of feet outside the sports hall, a shuffling to desks, then breathing, sniffing and the squeak of the invigilator’s trainers; after a two year break, GCSE season has re-opened. England’s 16-year-olds may turn over and …

We are all Teletubbies now

Is children’s TV programming actually made for ravers? It’s a long time since my last pharmacologically-assisted all-nighter, but I have vivid memories of watching programming aimed at the under-fives at breakfast time, having not yet been to bed.

The bright …