Britain’s golden age of sleaze

For many years now, the gold standard for government sleaze has been John Major’s ill-fated administration between 1992 and 97, but maybe that’s no longer the case. Maybe we’ve just been living through the true golden age. After all, the …

Two Sides of the Same Corrupt Coin

Much finger-wagging and self-righteous condemnation are happening in the halls of government these days, regarding revelations that HHS, our umbrella public health agency, funded poorly supervised gain-of-function (GoF) research in Wuhan, China. The implication, though not the thrust of the …

Inside the Labour purge

Diane Abbott, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Faiza Shaheen — within a matter of hours, all had fallen victim to the Starmerite machine. Led by campaign chief Morgan McSweeney and candidate supremo Matt Faulding, Keir Starmer’s inner circle have shown themselves to be …

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

[The following is a chapter of Lori Weintz’s book, Mechanisms of Harm: Medicine in the Time of Covid-19.]

There’s a lot of buzz on the internet about…hydroxychloroquine [a drug that] has been approved for decades, very cheap, used in malaria and …