The emptiness of being queer

What does “queer” mean to you? For many older gays and transsexuals, it’s an unpleasant reminder of past homophobic encounters, some of them physically threatening. Yet thanks to its positive recuperation over the last 30 years, today queerness means something …

Putin’s toxic masculinity

Of all the ill-informed explanations for why Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine, perhaps the most absurd is that he is afflicted with “toxic masculinity”.  And yet, there are multiple commentators and think piece writers saying exactly that: the Russian President …

Putin doesn’t have mummy issues

Did Russia invade Ukraine because Putin wasn’t loved enough as a child? AnnaLynne McCord, an “actress/human rights activist”, seems to think so.

Last week, she posted a poem online declaring that if only she’d been Vladimir Putin’s mum, he would …