This news appeared on a few Russian websites – see the sources below. We are not able to tell how much it is true and reliable or how much it it a part of the info-war. Please, be critical and do your own research.


In Ukraine, the American Covid-19 vaccine killed five people

In Ukraine, the American Covid-19 vaccine killed five people.
18 July 2020

In the Kharkiv region of Ukraine five people died as a result of trials of some “innovative vaccine” for coronavirus, which are conducted under the guidance of virologists from the United States.

This was stated by a representative of the press service of the People’s Police of the Luhansk People’s Republic (NM LPR) Alexander Mazeykin on July 17. According to him, four Ukrainian servicemen and one civilian were among the dead.

He said that a total of 15 candidates were approved by US virologists to test this vaccine in Kharkiv Oblast, including 10 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who contracted coronavirus.

During the research, the condition of eight subjects worsened, and they were transferred to the emergency department, the lives of three were supported by artificial ventilation devices.

“Emergency physicians fighting for the patients’ lives were unable to provide them with the necessary care because they did not have information about the composition of injections. As a result, five patients, including four military personnel, died of complications caused by the infection,” LIC quoted a press officer as saying.
He also said that from unconfirmed data it is known about the use of experimental vaccines in medical institutions of Kharkiv region, which “caused the opposite reaction in patients with weak immunity and conversion of more than 110 vaccinated residents of the region in medical institutions.

Earlier EADaily reported that according to leading epidemiologists, coronavirus vaccine is contraindicated for people with severe chronic diseases of immune system.


На Украине американская вакцина от Covid-19 убила пять человек: EADaily




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