Face Masks: Ending the Confusion
Let’s talk about masks Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social ‘Masks Are Symbolic,’ say Dr Fauci and The New England Journal of Medicine Coronavirus: Face masks could increase risk of infection, medical chief warns…
Is Bill Gates behind this fake pandemic?
Who did Bill Gates give money to recently. Or, WHO did he give money to.
Live on COVID-19 transmission with Dr Michael Ryan and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove
#COVID19 LIVE Q&A with Dr Mike Ryan and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove – #AskWHO of 9 June 2020 {"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@id":"https:\/\/straight2point.info\/live-on-covid-19-transmission-with-dr-michael-ryan-and-dr-maria-van-kerkhove\/#arve-youtube-7rcj2yynkuk","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\/embed\/7RcJ2yyNkUk?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=1&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"#COVID19 LIVE Q&A with Dr Mike Ryan and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove - #AskWHO of 9 June 2020","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi_webp\/7RcJ2yyNkUk\/hqdefault.webp","uploadDate":"2020-06-10T00:36:48+00:00","author":"World Health Organization (WHO)","description":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/7RcJ2yyNkUk"}…
COVID-19 in Africa | WHO Media Briefing | June 4th
Seems that World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation now turn their Eye on Africa.
Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is ‘very rare,’ WHO says
Source: Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is ‘very rare,’ WHO says…
Global Vaccine Summit 2020
The UK government will host Gavi’s third donor pledging conference on 4 June 2020 to mobilise at least US$ 7.4 billion in additional resources to protect the next generation with vaccines, reduce disease inequality and create a healthier, safer and …
UK to host Gavi pledging conference in 2020
Major conference will raise funds to vaccinate millions of the world’s poorest children.
Source: UK to host Gavi pledging conference in 2020…
Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic? – Forbes
The World Health Organization has suddenly gone from crying “The sky is falling!” like a cackling Chicken Little to squealing like a stuck pig. The reason: charges that the agency deliberately fomented swine flu hysteria. “The world is going through …
The Empire Strikes Back
WHO is SUSPENDING its trial of anti-malaria drug hydoxy-chloroquine
An over the counter drug, which has been successfully used for dozen of years to treat lupus, arthritis, rheumatism and malaria suddenly became a very dangerous substance after many doctors reported …
OMS confirma: novo coronavírus não se transmite através do ar – Ciência & Saúde – SÁBADO
Source: OMS confirma: novo coronavírus não se transmite através do ar – Ciência & Saúde – SÁBADO
“O coronavírus é sobretudo transmitido através de gotículas geradas quando uma pessoa infetada tosse, espirra ou fala”. Num estudo publicado este fim de …
La OMS concluyó que el coronavirus no se transmite por el aire y por eso no es necesario utilizar mascarillas en espacios públicos
El organismo internacional insistió en que las vías habituales de contagio son las gotitas de la tos o estornudos de una persona infectada y por eso recomendó mantener la distancia social, el lavado de manos y la limpieza de las …
WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going forward
The World Health Organization lauded Sweden as a “model” for battling the coronavirus as countries lift lockdowns — after the nation controversially refused restrictions. Dr. Mike Ryan,
Source: WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going…