Source: Which is Officially More Dangerous: Covid-19 or the Flu?
Enjoying free speech since 1984. Your daily dose of anti-propaganda!
Source: Which is Officially More Dangerous: Covid-19 or the Flu?
Source: Vernon Coleman How Many Billion Could the Covid-19 Vaccine Kill or Damage?…
Source: Vernon Coleman The Plan to Create Unending Misery…
Source: Vernon Coleman Global Nightmare: Staying Sane During the Madness…
Source: Vernon Coleman Five Battles We Cannot Afford to Lose…
Source: Vernon Coleman Why is YouTube Protecting Government Lies?…
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains how doctors are being silenced, why shops will close and how brain washing experts are helping to destroy the minds and the will of millions.
For more unbiased information …
This is probably one of the most disturbing posts we have shared recently…
Some of the stuff I have read in the last day or two has been startling – to say the least. And yet untangling the truth …
Source: Vernon Coleman Who Is Pulling the Strings?…
Source: Vernon Coleman Just a Little Prick: The Bill Gates Story (Part One)
Source: Vernon Coleman Just a Little Prick: The Bill Gates Story (Part Two)…