Of all the ill-informed explanations for why Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine, perhaps the most absurd is that he is afflicted with “toxic masculinity”. And yet, there are multiple commentators and think piece writers saying exactly that: the Russian President …
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
The Russia we have lost
There were a lot of us in Moscow, back then. Silly, millennial Euro-Brits, trying to be journalists, floating through a boozy world of “hackpack” drinks and Russian liberals. We were there on cooked visas — fixed in Kyiv — dreamers …
You can’t cancel Putin
“We cannot just witness these atrocities and do nothing.” It’s a statement that resonates, the kind of thing you’d expect to hear from those we empower to keep the peace: Nato, the UN, our leaders. But this solemn vow to …
In defence of wokeness
Since the end of the Second World War, most of the world’s conflicts have been civil wars. The average length of an international war is less than six months; for a civil war it is seven years. The heretic is …
How war radicalised Germany
“Death is a master from Germany.” The line is from Paul Celan’s Deathfugue, a poem which tried to express the abject horror of the Nazis’ genocidal war in Eastern Europe. Celan, a Jew, was a son of Chernivtsi, then a …
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
Not Exactly An ORDINARY COUPLE / Hugo Talks
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
Going Up ⬆ The Rabbit Hole / Hugo Talks #lockdown
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
How Western elites exploit Ukraine
The war in Ukraine poses a palpable threat to Western democracies, but this has little to do with Russia posing an inherent strategic threat to the United States or its European allies. No — more so than the Russian state, …
COVID Mission Accomplished as Global Treaty Looms – #NewWorldNextWeek
This week on the New World Next Week: fake news stories emerge from Ukraine; British steel shows the way toward absolute zero; and it’s COVID Mission Accomplished! as the global pandemic treaty draws near.
The post COVID Mission Accomplished as …
ASKED TO LEAVE for asking a question on a Q&A show! #Ukraine #Russia
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
A Putin puppet government will fail
Southern Ukraine
A week after it launched its attempted blitz across Ukraine, finally the Russian army has taken its first major city: Kherson, a key port city in the south of the country. But the defenders of Kyiv and Kharkiv …
This is how despotism ends
The absurdly long table Vladimir Putin sits at, whether with Emmanuel Macron last month, or his terrified subordinates now, was the giveaway. There is stately furniture, then there is 20 feet of thuddingly symbolic paranoia. Isolated during the pandemic, padlocked …
The sly sexism of Left-wing men
It’s a year since Sarah Everard was abducted, raped and murdered — and the London Mayor this week called for men to lead a “fundamental cultural shift” to help end violence against women. Sadiq Khan said the problem was not …