In 1939, with his native Germany under totalitarian rule, Bertolt Brecht wrote a poem. Called “In Praise of Doubt” it encourages readers to always question established orthodoxies. Brecht mocks “the thoughtless who never doubt”, and who “don’t believe in the …
The danger of trial by statistics
Sally Clark had two sons. Both died within weeks of birth, a year apart, apparently of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), sometimes called cot death. SIDS is — mercifully — rare; in England, at the time, it struck roughly one …
18 Million excess mortality from Covid-19. What does it mean?
The post 18 Million excess mortality from Covid-19. What does it mean? appeared first on PANDA.
Source: PANDA Read the original article here: …
Ireland – COVID19 Data Hub
Task for today: use graphs from this website to explain the second Covid-19 wave in Ireland!
Source: Ireland’s COVID19 Data Hub…
Deaths caused by everything but Covid-19 drop significantly in UK. Conclusions?
Our questions:
- Are the “Covid-19 deaths” numbers a result of “creative statistics”?Is the “Covid peak” in the excessive deaths caused by lockdown and media fear-mongering rather than by Covid-19?
Source: Deaths involving COVID-19, England and Wales: deaths occurring in …