This week on the New World Next Week: craziness in the gold markets points to a major monetary shakeup ahead; USAID bankrolled a major international news network with ties to social media censorship; and the CDC is grooming kids for …
Why we still believe in gold
Gold, which John Maynard Keynes called the “barbarous relic”, has become so eagerly sought that even Costco has got in on the business. Perhaps this newfound fascination shouldn’t surprise us. For those looking to build nest-eggs, gold is easier to …
Analysis MARK Of The BEAST / Rev 13 16-18 / Hugo Talks
Also Watch On Substack
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: …
How Wagner plundered Sudan’s gold
Aircraft are bombing Sudan’s capital Khartoum; soldiers are occupying civilian houses; most of the country’s hospitals have run out of basic supplies. On the surface, this might appear in the West to be just another African war — the culmination …
Illegal to Own Gold? Hedge Fund Manager Warns Governments May Ban Gold Ownership
A well-known hedge fund manager has warned that governments may ban private gold ownership, making it illegal for people to own gold.
Source: Illegal to Own Gold? Hedge Fund Manager Warns Governments May Ban Gold Ownership | Bitcoin News…