Adam has lived in inner-city Birmingham all his life, spending his teenage years armed: sometimes with knives, sometimes with guns, always in a gang. And never particularly bothered by the police. “Because we live in poor areas,” he says, “the …
Christmas won’t cheer Birmingham’s homeless
Christmas in central Birmingham, as in many other UK cities, is dominated by a German market and a nimbus of tacky festive lights. Frankfurters the length of limbs; steins of overpriced lager; shoals of inebriated revellers — all can be …
Bring back Birmingham’s oligarchs
Birmingham has suffered low ebbs before. Finding themselves in hock to rail developers, 150 years ago, the town’s fathers carved up working-class areas, while rejecting gifts of land to be kept as parks: they would have been just too expensive …
The Trad case for Brutalism
Some architectural preservation groups have an easier task than others. Those campaigning on behalf of medieval churches or Jacobean country houses are in many ways pushing at an open door, given the general British affection for lovely old buildings. I …
The myth of Tory Birmingham
I have a sneaking admiration for Heather Wheeler — the Conservative MP who, with wonderful tactlessness, recalled a meeting in “Birmingham or some other Godawful place”. She only said out loud what most of her colleagues must think as they …
Birmingham Social Credit Score System INCOMING! / Hugo Talks
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: …