As Kim Leadbeater’s Assisted Dying Bill returned to parliament, critics’ attention turned to a previously unsuspected cohort that might soon be rolling down the slippery slope. Evidence delivered to her committee revealed that at least 60 patients with eating disorders …
There’s no dignity in assisted dying
It was the childishness that pushed me over the edge. As news broke of the forthcoming parliamentary vote on assisted dying, a slew of statements from politicians emerged, each one more simplistically emotive and Manichean than the last.
Labour MP …
What the Right gets wrong about Canada
Life in Canada has become a nightmare — if you believe the British Right. The recent debate in Britain’s Parliament on the legalisation of assisted dying prompted MPs and journalists to warn that “state suicide” in Canada has led to …
What the death bill tells us about life
In my late twenties, I became clinically depressed and prone to bouts of suicidal ideation — “suicidal”, in un-medical English. From 1993 to 1998 I lived in northern Italy; paradise, apparently, but to me it felt more like a J.G. …
I’ve seen too many bad deaths
As an emergency physician, I make agonising life or death decisions every day. When caring for a terminally-ill patient whose organs are failing, and who can’t recognise her own children, I work with colleagues and family members to decide whether …
There’s no dignity in assisted dying
It was the childishness that pushed me over the edge. As news broke of the forthcoming parliamentary vote on assisted dying, a slew of statements from politicians emerged, each one more simplistically emotive and Manichean than the last.
Labour MP …
Assisted dying killed my family
In February, I watched my mother be euthanised. I travelled to Australia to see it. She was ready to go: she lived in a care home, and was in terrible pain from spine cancer and terribly embarrassed by her lack …
‘I was offered assisted dying over cancer treatment’
Two years ago, over the Thanksgiving holiday, Allison Ducluzeau started to feel pain in her stomach. At first, she assumed she had eaten too much turkey, but the pain persisted. A couple of weeks later, she saw her family doctor …
The assisted-dying lobby has already won
What counts as a “dignified death”? On Monday, we got an intimation of what one looks like for Guardian readers, as journalist Renate van der Zee wrote about her elderly mother’s “completely calm, almost cheerful” legal demise at the hands …
Not every anorexic can be saved
In the summer of 1995, I watched a woman starve to death. I was 19 and L was in her mid-30s, having suffered from anorexia since the age of 15. She looked unlike any person I have seen before or …
The cruelty of Canada’s euthanasia policy
With uncharacteristic humility, I would concede that a few positions I’ve argued fiercely in print might be viable on paper, but in practice are a disaster. The “war on drugs” being a fiasco, years ago I advocated the legalisation of …