Whatever the future may hold for the loyal subjects of His Royal Highness, the Great Reset-shilling, pedophile-befriending, carbon eugenics-pushing King Charles III, given the disheartening (if predictable) reaction of the normies to this latest royal passing, nothing could be timelier …
YouTube was doubtless a good idea when it started. I expect the originators may have had good intentions – they, perhaps, hoped to provide members of the public with a place for new ideas and for discussion. But I fear …
Animals Exhibit Altruistic Behaviour
Donna Antoinette Coleman and Vernon Coleman
Animals don’t just show love; they frequently exhibit behaviour that can only be described as altruistic. Animals can suffer, they can communicate and they can care. There are numerous well-authenticated stories of animals putting …
Flashback: Richard Gage in Kobe (2009)
In this week’s blast from The Corbett Report past, James brings you his 2009 interview with Richard Gage in Kobe regarding the explosive evidence of the 9/11 demolitions to show you that the more things change, the more they stay …
The MOTHER Of All PSYOPS Has Begun / Hugo Talks
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Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
The money is running out
In a few years’ time there will be no schools, no universities, no hospitals, no new roads, no GPs, no armed forces, no libraries and no anything else.
What nonsense is this, you ask.
Sorry, but it’s not nonsense.
Let …
The money is running out
In a few years’ time there will be no schools, no universities, no hospitals, no new roads, no GPs, no armed forces, no libraries and no anything else.
What nonsense is this, you ask.
Sorry, but it’s not nonsense.
Let …
Things You Should Know about Traditional Vaccines
You should know these things about vaccination:
No one else will tell you this, but some traditional vaccinations kill and maim more people than the diseases they are supposed to prevent. Historically, the evidence is clear (as I have shown
Why men are no longer wild
Chris McCandless had been dead for two weeks when a pair of hunters stumbled upon the abandoned bus he had been using as a makeshift shelter near Alaska’s Denali National Park. A note taped to its door read:
Italy will win the food wars
Twice each week, a caravan of macellai, pescivendoli, and fruttivendolo comes to town. They swell the streets beneath a medieval castle keep in the 14th-century northern Italian city where my family maintains a home. When time allows, on Tuesdays or …
Queen 💀 Announcement Forthcoming / Hugo Talks
Support me on patreon
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
Coronation Street Propaganda 🤣 / Hugo Talks
Support me on Patreon
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
Inteview 1746 – Richard Gage UNLEASHED!
Richard Gage, founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, joins me to discuss his current work at RichardGage911.com, including his podcast, Richard Gage UNLEASHED!, his upcoming 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival livestream, his weekly webinars, his …
Here’s how they’ll bankrupt You
Their plan is to make every one of us bankrupt and they’re well on the way to succeeding. Only the billionaire conspirators are likely to avoid this. The conspirators must be delighted at the way things are going.
To start …
Doctors Get Their Timing Wrong
It has been known for centuries that the leaves of some plants regularly open during the daytime and close at night. It was always assumed that this phenomenon was a response to sunlight. But over two 250 years ago, in …