Freud is coming for your kids

According to an old joke, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are enjoying some pastries in a Viennese coffee shop. The younger analyst hesitantly asks the elder: “Tell me, Herr Professor Freud… vat lies between fear und sex?”. With furrowed brow, …

What Happened to American Civics?

Man in tricorn hat at Bicentennial celebration, July 1975; Diana Mara Henry,

My son’s school assigned a civics project for summer vacation. The project’s scope is expansive and spans from explaining the history and functions of the three branches …

Labour’s war on free speech

An unspoken maxim looms over the free speech crisis in our universities: it is only ever denied by those whose views fall in line with the current orthodoxy. For all its faults, and there were many, Britain’s previous government recognised …

Children Are Gifts, Not Projects

A few nights back I had the pleasure of attending a Brownstone Supper Club presentation by Sheila Matthews-Gallo, the founder of AbleChild, an organization that fights against the widespread practice of plying our children—mostly boys—with psychotropic drugs in the name …