Reporting Vaccine Adverse Events

Examples include the VAERS system (USA), EudraVigilance (EU) and the Yellow Card system (UK). As with severe disease and mortality associated with a recent positive SARS-COV-2 test, vaccine-associated events may result directly from the vaccine (the vaccine is causal) or …

Is there evidence that natural exposure immunity to COVID virus is similar or superior to vaccine-induced immunity, and should we force/mandate these vaccines on our healthy military and police?

The post Is there evidence that natural exposure immunity to COVID virus is similar or superior to vaccine-induced immunity, and should we force/mandate these vaccines on our healthy military and police? appeared first on PANDA.

Source: PANDA Read the original …

Why are we vaccinating children?

Dear Sir,

Why are we vaccinating children?

Despite assurances that this was an adult vaccine suitable for adults and that there are no plans to vaccinate children, vaccinations for our children are scheduled to begin shortly with the Department of …