Thousands more Children die as EU drags out Europe-wide Investigation into why there’s been an 8x increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids

It has now been several weeks since the EU and official EU statistics departments were forced to launch an official Europe-wide investigation into excess deaths among children because of an exclusive investigation […]

Source: The Expose Read the original article …

How powerful is Liz Truss?

“We will deliver, and deliver, and deliver!” proclaimed Liz Truss, sounding like a crazed obstetrician. While our new leader is taking her first gulps at the poisoned chalice of power, the outlook for those whom power likes to harass doesn’t …

The seductive horror of extremist violence

There is something horribly seductive about the spectacle of extreme violence: it’s disgusting, gut-wrenching, appalling. It’s also impossibly compelling in its extremity and strangeness: just look at it.

Anyone who builds a career out of watching such material, whether it’s …