The Government and the mainstream media (but especially the official Government mouthpiece – the awful BBC) are so frightened of the truth that they do everything they can to ensure that truths are suppressed and the truth-tellers are silenced and ostracised.

It amuses and annoys me in equal parts when I hear people talk about ‘freedom of the press’. There is absolutely no freedom of the press in the UK. The media in the UK (particularly the BBC) has been weaponised.

The only reason you can read this is that individual websites are controlled by the United States and not by…


Some of the posts we share are controversial and we do not necessarily agree with them in the whole extend. Sometimes we agree with the content or part of it but we do not agree with the narration or language. Nevertheless we find them somehow interesting, valuable and/or informative or we share them, because we strongly believe in freedom of speech, free press and journalism. We strongly encourage you to have a critical approach to all the content, do your own research and analysis to build your own opinion.

We would be glad to have your feedback.

Buy Me A Coffee

Source: Dr Vernon Coleman - MB ChB DSc Read the original article here: