Here Comes Greta!… And Other Coronavirus Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Source: Here Comes Greta!… And Other Coronavirus Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics…
About Trump
That is an interesting perspective, isn’t it?
The timing is right for everyone to understand what Donald Trump is doing, and try to decrypt the ambiguity of how he is doing it. The controversial President has a much clearer agenda …
The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation
Americans are now desperate for sensible policymakers who have the courage to ignore the panic and rely on facts.
Source: The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation…
Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history
The new coronavirus is real. The response to the coronavirus is hyped. And in time, this hype will be revealed as politically hoaxed.
Source: Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history…
COVID-19 Panic Merchants: Lies, Conspiracies, and Statistics (Oh, and Science)
The unwarranted panic was engendered by narcissistic doctors and leveraged by psychopathic politicians to grab power. Misinformation is deliberately spread by unscrupulous doctors and increasingly more tyrannical authorities. Examples: the case fatality rate of SARS Cov-2 is the same as …
Two doctors in Kern County are sharing a differing opinion. They say sheltering in place is doing more harm than good. Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care refuse to wear masks outside. They say the longer …
Will Trump go to war with Iran to save America’s oil industry? — RT Op-ed
It’s believed that a US-Iran war would disrupt the flow of Middle Eastern oil and, as such, should be avoided at all costs. With US oil futures trading in the negative, has the risk of such a war suddenly become …
MILLIONS infected? Cuomo says NY antibody tests suggest Covid-19 less fatal than previously thought — RT USA News
Early antibody testing for the coronavirus in 19 New York counties suggests up to 2.7 million people could have been infected in the state alone, meaning the real death rate may be much lower, Governor Andrew Cuomo has revealed.
Source: …
Antibody tests suggest Covid-19 may have spread much more than predicted, with possibly HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS infected worldwide — RT World News
The WHO says new studies indicate that up to 230 million people may have had coronavirus and survived – more than ninety times more than the current official tally of 2.5 million confirmed cases.
Source: Antibody tests suggest Covid-19 may …
Herd immunity? 1 in 3 test positive for Covid-19 ANTIBODIES in pilot Massachusetts street study — RT USA News
Nearly a third of 200 randomly tested residents of Chelsea, Massachusetts were found to have Covid-19-related antibodies in yet another indication that the virus could be far more widespread and much less lethal than believed.
Source: Herd immunity? 1 in …