Stop comparing the West to Rome

On both sides of the Atlantic, hysterical comparisons between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the senile polities of the modern West have become the journalistic norm. Every major problem facing our society — from climate change to Covid …

Pakistani democracy is dead

Life has come full circle for Imran Khan. In 2018, he was elected to be prime minister of Pakistan after his predecessor, Nawaz Sharif, was disqualified over corruption charges resulting from the Panama Papers. Khan stated at the time that …

LadBible has dumped the lads

“Thou shall covet thy neighbour’s breasts.” “Thou shall always drink more than you can handle.” “Thou shall specialise in creating and distributing exquisite banter.” “Thou shall share hot Milf with friend if opportunity arises.” “Thou shall always prefer Pippa to …

Why Faroe Islanders kill whales

Three bottlenose whales have come to Kaldbaksfjorður. They can be easily seen from the winding road that skirts the edge of the narrow sound, ten minutes’ drive from Tórshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands. Two are adults, twice the …