Picture this. Christmas morning — my many, many rosy-cheeked children barge into the bedroom. Me and my strapping, hairy husband Brick are a bit bleary-eyed, but no matter. He can lie in. I float downstairs: around the locally felled, artisan-bauble-bedecked …
Phyllis Schlafly: the original tradwife
You could call Phyllis Schlafly the first trad wife. A mother-of-six, she would introduce herself in public as a “lawyer’s wife”, and embodied all the feminine virtues: “A blonde with deep blue eyes, a figure that can still be called …
Is the Tradwife Queen a fraud?
The pioneer dream is deeply engraved in American culture and history. It’s simple but powerful: setting forth into the unknown, with just a few belongings and your immediate family, and creating a self-reliant, flourishing home in an unforgiving environment. As …
Marriage has been divorced from love
Because there is nothing Americans will not politicise, marriage is now at the heart of a culture war.
On the traditionalist side, a loose assortment of classical conservatives, terminally online reactionary trad types, and the odd dissident feminist have coalesced …