In the dystopian drama The Last of Us, a fungal virus has spread through foodstuffs turning infected humans into zombies. The survivors live in ghettos, among the ruins, armed to avoid a gruesome living death. They grow their own food …
Trump stole tariffs from the Democrats
Recent speculation that Donald Trump’s billionaire cabinet would lead to a more orthodox consensus on global trade came to halt earlier this week, when Trump promised new tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China. Though eager to be in Trump’s good …
Centrist McCarthyism is taking hold
Why are so many working-class voters rebelling against the centre-left? For those establishment politicians being spurned in favour of populist movements, there is a straightforward answer: the masses, in turning away, are ignorant, delusional and bigoted.
Nowhere is this more …
How Biden can defeat China
In 1930, John Dos Passos wrote that America is many things: it is a “slice of a continent”, “the world’s greatest river valley”, and “a set of bigmouthed officials with too many bank accounts”. “But mostly,” he wrote in The …