via Award-winning investigative and independent journalist, James Corbett at, has been investigating the power structures of the world since 2007. He has seen the preparations of a biosecurity state taking place for more than a decade, and he…
Scientific tyranny has captured America
Plato’s dialogues are full of strikingly individual characters who have been stamped by the accidents of their time and place but are nevertheless familiar to us from our own. A particularly fine example is the teacher of rhetoric Thrasymachus, who …
The New Normal Documentary
The New Normal Documentary
Non-English substiles have been created based on English transcription using DeepL machine translator.
It’s January 2021, the world is in lockdown and our economy is on the brink of collapse.
Will the new vaccine enable our …
The New Normal is Complete Isolation and Total Dehumanization – If You Allow It
Source: The New Normal is Complete Isolation and Total Dehumanization – If You Allow It (Banned by YouTube)…
Boris Johnson addresses General Debate, 74th Session of the UN
Since recently we see a lot of shares of fragments of this speech and we see that those fragments have been taken out of context and manipulated, we feel obliged to publish the whole speech for you to have a …
Smart City Sensors will look after you (PT)
Another “conspiracy theory” is becoming reality in Portugal and, probably, all over the world.
While most of people got scared by the media and locked in house arrests, the big brother wasn’t wasting his time.
The domain has been …