Predictions that the pandemic would spell the end of populism and thrust voters back into the political mainstream have turned out to be little more than wishful thinking. In the US, polls show Trump creeping up on Biden. In Europe, …
Why fascism won’t take over Spain
Spaniards heading to the polls this Sunday will not do so cheerfully. Not only is the election disrupting the summer holidays of more than a quarter of Spanish voters — but the options on the ballot paper are, at first …
Is Spain too late to apologise for fascism?
A year ago, I met a man in Madrid who expected to be sued for body-snatching. He gave me the news with a shrug. It was the price, he said, of joining a socialist government that was drafting a new …
2200 Celebrities And Politicians Got FAKE JAB #Saline #Spain / Hugo Talks
Link To Story –
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: …
Coronavirus traces found in March 2019 sewage sample, Spanish study shows
Spanish virologists have found traces of the novel coronavirus in a sample of Barcelona waste water collected in March 2019, nine months before the COVID-19 disease was identified in China, the University of Barcelona said on Friday.
Source: Coronavirus traces …
The Coronavirus Was Detected In Sewage In March Of 2019, Far From Wuhan, China
As new cases of Covid-19 reach record levels in the United States, there’s new evidence the novel coronavirus that causes the disease has been with us much longer than previously thought.
Source: The Coronavirus Was Detected In Sewage In March …
Covid infections haven’t spiked since Europe loosened lockdowns – The Washington Post
Since Italy began to ease its lockdown last month, people have returned to public spaces, including around Milan’s Duomo. (Claudio Furlan/LaPresse/AP) ROME — When Italy ended its lockdown one month ago, Angelo Pan, an infectious-disease doctor, was worried. His hospital,…
La OMS concluyó que el coronavirus no se transmite por el aire y por eso no es necesario utilizar mascarillas en espacios públicos
El organismo internacional insistió en que las vías habituales de contagio son las gotitas de la tos o estornudos de una persona infectada y por eso recomendó mantener la distancia social, el lavado de manos y la limpieza de las …
COVID-19 deaths in Spain
Spanish state care homes account for 68% of country’s COVID-19 deaths – reports. A leading newspaper in Spain has revealed that out of 28,000 #COVID19 deaths nationwide, more than 17,500 have occurred in care homes.…
[Vitamin D deficiency in Spanish population. Importance of egg on nutritional improvement]. – PubMed – NCBI
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient whose deficiency has been associated with the risk of various chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some types of cancer and even overweight and obesity. Although vitamin D can be …
Record number of people claim unemployment benefits in Spain as coronavirus leaves millions out of work — RT Business News
Despite unemployment rising at a slower pace in April, some 3.8 million people were left without jobs, and the number depending on benefits hit a record 5.2 million, Spain’s Labor Ministry has revealed.
Source: Record number of people claim unemployment …
ARVE Error: Mode: lightbox not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social – Profesionales – Situación actual Coronavirus
Source: Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social – Profesionales – Situación actual Coronavirus…