Psychological Bioterrorism

Psychological Bioterrorism
by Robert Malone at Brownstone Institute

We are getting close to the formal release date (October 08, 2024) for PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order,” and I have received about thirty advance author’s copies of the book from …

Toward an Archaeology of Anger

Last week, Brownstone Journal published an excerpt from Julie Ponesse’s book, Our Last Innocent Moment, titled: Our Last Innocent Moment: Angry Forever? 

In this piece Ponesse treats, in a refreshingly well-rounded and down-to-earth way, the complex subject of anger. Few …

The Stasi: Masters of PsyWar

From 1950 until the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS), commonly known as the Stasi, operated as the main security service of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany or GDR). In terms of …

Freud is coming for your kids

According to an old joke, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are enjoying some pastries in a Viennese coffee shop. The younger analyst hesitantly asks the elder: “Tell me, Herr Professor Freud… vat lies between fear und sex?”. With furrowed brow, …