Bedard: From Covid Amnesty to Covid Amnesia
by Thomas Buckley at Brownstone Institute
These are not the droids you are looking for.
With a wave of his hand, Obi-Wan Kenobi made thoughts and suspicions disappear.
When it comes to Covid, …
Enjoying free speech since 1984. Your daily dose of anti-propaganda!
Bedard: From Covid Amnesty to Covid Amnesia
by Thomas Buckley at Brownstone Institute
These are not the droids you are looking for.
With a wave of his hand, Obi-Wan Kenobi made thoughts and suspicions disappear.
When it comes to Covid, …
Accountability for those responsible for the disasters of global governments’ handling of the Covid-19 pandemic is nearly impossible. For several reasons.
Namely, that accountability would have to come from those currently in government. Many, if not most, of whom supported the mask …
On 29th August BBC News At Ten headlined with a report on the conviction of the killer of a fifteen-year-old girl in a town in the northeast of England.
The report gave details of the number of times the victim …
[The following is an excerpt from Lori Weintz’s book, Mechanisms of Harm: Medicine in the Time of Covid-19.]
We knew in March of 2020 there were a whole host of effective drugs which could have stopped this pandemic…The success is …
They’re never going to stop.
We’re a few months away from the end of 2024, four and a half years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s a truth that should clearly be universally acknowledged by now, that the …
On August 27, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg issued a statement confirming what the Twitter Files, Murthy vs. Missouri, and many others had long claimed – that the Biden administration aggressively pushed to censor First Amendment-protected speech on social media, in …
A perfect storm of crises has been building. It comes from still bubbling rage with governments for their single-minded obsession with Covid and the lasting damage caused by lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates, with the media for amplifying government fear …
One of the most widely used means the tyrannical globalists employ, to lull the populace into a state of anaesthesia as far as the goings-on behind the scenes are concerned, has to do with ‘entertainment’ of the kind one finds …
One of the most widely used means the tyrannical globalists employ, to lull the populace into a state of anaesthesia as far as the goings-on behind the scenes are concerned, has to do with ‘entertainment’ of the kind one finds …
The insistence of regimes in the West that they must control public messaging has meant dramatic changes in the freedom citizens have on social media and more generally. Media is more centralized than ever, and what we can say and …
[The following is an excerpt from Thomas Harrington’s book, The Treason of the Experts: Covid and the Credentialed Class.]
I will begin with the necessary preventions. I am not an epidemiologist nor do I have any medical expertise. I have, …
Dear friends,
Things are getting quite interesting in the mainstream media. Here and there, something real is seeping through the omnipresent facade.
I read in an opinion paper in the New York Times (author: Maureen Dowd) that Biden was removed …
On 13 August, an employment judge in the UK ruled that three white police officers had been discriminated against by being passed over for promotion to detective inspector in favour of an Asian woman applicant. The ruling came at the …
In April of 2020, our portly, red-faced Aw, shucks governor, Tim Walz, was my hero.
He’d closed the public schools in our state on March 15th, but spoke—this former teacher and coach—with solemn grace. “I want to be very clear …
One of my colleagues, a medical doctor, that I often “tour” with on what many refer to as the “freedom” circuit, texted me a meme a while ago that I just love. Well, to be honest, I actually despise it …