Rylan Hoots “fears God” and “keeps his commands” — but mostly he just loves his neighbours. Kitted out in boots, jeans and camo fleece, “How Great Thou Art” blaring from his boombox, the pastor waves at passing cars, pointing out …
The fate of Britain’s tenant farmers
On a clear day in February, Patrick Greed takes me to the brow of a hill overlooking what used to be his farm. Around us stretches the green countryside of Devon’s Killerton estate, radiant in the winter sun. Nestled in …
How von der Leyen sold out the farmers
This is a story which exemplifies the vicious, anti-democratic cycle that underpins the EU’s political dynamics. It is about decision-making processes which alienate voters and lead to weakened and discredited governments. It is about Ursula von der Leyen finally managing …
French farmers are the new Gilets Jaunes
When you think of the politics of farmers, what comes to mind? Perhaps the Countryside Alliance, and the people of Deep England, dressed in Tory tweed and protesting the fox hunting ban. Or maybe the agrarian populism of the Dutch …
Flailing Germany is the future of Europe
For much of the Merkel era, Germany stood as an island of economic and political stability amid Europe’s perennially stormy waters. Those days, however, seem like a distant memory. Europe is still in crisis — but now Germany is the …
NOCA Demanding Evidence That Bird Flu Has Been Proven To Exist
NOCA Demanding Evidence That Bird Flu Has Been Proven To Exist In the event you are a farmer or homesteader in Britain who keeps any kind of free range poultry and you have been notified […]
The post NOCA Demanding …
The return of class war
There was a story the Left used to tell in the early 2010s that everyone took for granted. The era, they said, of big labour strikes was over. The Soviet Union had fallen, Thatcher had crushed the miners, the biggest …
Netherlands Farmers Vs The Government / Hugo Talks
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …