Who governs Georgia?

On Rustaveli Avenue, just outside the dappled cream facade of the Georgian parliament, people in the crowds of protesters are kicking footballs around. They stand in circles, pinging the ball between them; pairing off, they pass it rapidly to one …

The Leopard holds a warning for Europe

The great unification processes of the late 19th century inspired some of the world’s most famous authors. In 1886, Henry James explored the triangular relationship between a Confederate War veteran from Mississippi and two New England feminist abolitionists in The …

Why Irish mumming endures

Winter now. All the old sounds again. Mist beading on the bough and tap tap tapping to the ground. The Velcro scratch of dead leaves. Bleurgh, says the sodden bird. Wind lurches off the Atlantic and trips on this little …

How Britain’s trains were derailed

An apocryphal British newspaper headline once read: “Fog in Channel; Continent Cut Off”. It’s a nice phrase — but, in theory anyway, its whiff of British exceptionalism has long-since evaporated. Many educated people, if you asked them, would these days …