Why Would Anyone Do That?

Stonehenge was desecrated by some people from the so-called organisation Just Stop Oil. But why? Why would anyone do something like that? Watch on Youtube HERE.

Source: BJØRN ANDREAS BULL-HANSEN Read the original article here: https://bull-hansen.com …

Green capitalism is a con

If religion was the opium of the masses in the days of Karl Marx, then today’s drug is the cult of green capitalism. The West has been fooled into thinking that a combination of futuristic green technologies and green growth …

Have we reached peak ESG?

On 4 June, 2004, Kofi Annan ascended the dais at the Assembly Hall to conclude a meeting that would leave an indelible mark on the world for the next two decades. There, speaking to nearly 500 global decision makers in …

An Arctic war is coming

In a land of extremes, nowhere in the Arctic does the temperature oscillate more wildly than the tiny settlement of Fort Yukon in north-eastern Alaska. This village — of a few hundred residents belonging to the indigenous Gwich’in community, and …

How conservative is Net Zero?

In 2019, the Conservative manifesto promised to “lead the global fight against climate change, by delivering on our world-leading target of Net Zero”. In the wake of the Uxbridge by-election, that ambition looks much more precarious. As the Prime Minister …

The Unabomber never grew up

The Unabomber and I share several connections. Both of us hold PhDs, are of Eastern European descent, and attempted to escape the dismal modern world by fleeing to remote locations in western Montana — he after leaving academia, me just …