Source: Big Pharma whistleblower: 97% of corona vaccine recipients are going to become infertile…
Vernon Coleman Five Battles We Cannot Afford to Lose
Source: Vernon Coleman Five Battles We Cannot Afford to Lose…
Which Pandemic?! Looking at Covid-19 numbers in perspective
“Killervirus” – data from Johns Hopkins Institute
Red = total infected and/or % of infected
Black = total deaths and/or % of fatalities in population
Nowhere was the 1% mark in deaths reached
By Ralph T. Niemeyer
Population from de.statista, …
UK Scientists Expose ‘Over-Exaggeration’ Of Covid-19 Deaths & Immunity Passports Begin In Miami
Source: UK Scientists Expose ‘Over-Exaggeration’ Of Covid-19 Deaths & Immunity Passports Begin In Miami…
Vernon Coleman Why is YouTube Protecting Government Lies?
Source: Vernon Coleman Why is YouTube Protecting Government Lies?…
Final Stand: More Lies about Overcrowded Hospitals and the Fake Race Narrative
Source: Final Stand: More Lies about Overcrowded Hospitals and the Fake Race Narrative…
Vernon Coleman Just a Little Prick: The Bill Gates Story
Source: Vernon Coleman Just a Little Prick: The Bill Gates Story (Part One)
Source: Vernon Coleman Just a Little Prick: The Bill Gates Story (Part Two)…
The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket
Source: The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket…
Get Them Early – Control Them For Life – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Source: Get Them Early – Control Them For Life – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast (Please Share)…
Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports To Be Rolled Out In 15 Countries
Through the magic of Internet meme culture, most Millennials will be familiar with the famous opening scene of the 1942 film, “Casablanca,” where two policemen stop a civilian in the “old Moorish section” of Nazi-occupied French Morocco and ask him for …
“Parody” of Bill Gates explaining his plans for the world.
“Parody” of Bill Gates explaining his plans for the world.…