Lessons from the Zombie Genre
by Daniel Nuccio at Brownstone Institute
Imagine a zombie. What does your zombie look like? How does it move? What does it eat? How does it spend its day? What if any hobbies does it …
Enjoying free speech since 1984. Your daily dose of anti-propaganda!
Lessons from the Zombie Genre
by Daniel Nuccio at Brownstone Institute
Imagine a zombie. What does your zombie look like? How does it move? What does it eat? How does it spend its day? What if any hobbies does it …
The Biden-Harris Administration Wasted Nearly One Billion on Misinformation
by Ian Miller at Brownstone Institute
The party of “Science” apparently misled hundreds of millions of people on the actual science surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. Stop the presses.
Starting in early …
Dissent: Gaps in the Regime
by Bert Olivier at Brownstone Institute
At certain times in history, sometimes protracted events have occurred that demonstrated the power of dissent – that (as far as we know) uniquely human capacity to express strong …
The Hidden RKI File
by Robert Kogon at Brownstone Institute
When the leaked “RKI Files” were unveiled at a July 23rd press conference in Berlin, Aya Velazquez, who served as the conduit for the leak, proudly declared that the documents …
Us Classical Liberals Versus Them Populists
by Daniel Klein at Brownstone Institute
I was recently watching the video “Are Populists Destroying Democracy?” on the IEA’s YouTube channel, in which the IEA’s Editorial Director Kristian Niemietz interviewed Swedish political scientist Nils …
The Most Devastating Report So Far
by Jayanta Bhattacharya at Brownstone Institute
PDF of the full House report below.
The House report on HHS Covid propaganda is devastating. The Biden administration spent almost $1 billion to push falsehoods about Covid …
Trump’s 19th-Century Solution to Fiscal Disaster
by David Stockman at Brownstone Institute
In the last weeks of the campaign, Donald Trump is slicing and dicing the Federal income tax nearly as fast as he served up fries at the McDonald’s …
History Rhymes: Freedom from Fear
by James Bovard at Brownstone Institute
“Freedom from fear” was a prime justification for many of the most oppressive Covid pandemic policies. As Georgetown University Law professor Lawrence Gostin declared in late 2021, “COVID-19 vaccines …
The Trans Community Can Learn from Adoptive Parents
by Gabrielle Bauer at Brownstone Institute
Picture this: a couple in their late thirties adopts a newborn after years of infertility and more years plowing through the adoption bureaucracy. They call the …
Is the Influenza Threat Exaggerated?
by Tom Jefferson at Brownstone Institute
I beg all of you who were or will be offered an influenza vaccination to consider the content of this post when deciding whether to accept.
We have published …
Vaccines and the Length of Our Lives
by David Bell at Brownstone Institute
The commercial imperative to extract money from human bodies is playing havoc with medical education, and the body of knowledge through which the medical professions operate. Nowhere …
Amazon’s Threefold Injustice
by Daniel Klein at Brownstone Institute
The book The Coddling of the American Mind, by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, appeared in 2018. It explained trends that have remade much of American life, like safetyism, cancel culture, …
Black Swan, White Swan
by Julie Ponesse at Brownstone Institute
All things truly wicked start from innocence.
—Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast
It takes one second for a raindrop to fall 32 feet and 3-6 seconds to take a breath. …
Why Has Public Health Been Reduced to Drag?
by Toby Rogers at Brownstone Institute
Historically, public health was a radical profession. It challenged power and built large public works projects (sewers and sanitation) that dramatically improved lives. But the field …
Germany Is the EU’s Censorship Champion
by Robert Kogon at Brownstone Institute
Note that X, rebranded as a “free speech platform,” provides information on platform users to the governments of EU member states in connection with not just illegal speech …