“Goodness is the only investment that never fails,” said Thoreau. This week seemed to prove him wrong, though, with the news that the self-described Good Literary Agency has run out of funds. This “social enterprise literary agency” had been aimed …
What I learned at Terf School
What is a Terf? Initially it was used as a term of abuse. I have been on the receiving end too many times to count. “Terfs can choke on my girl dick”, “I punch Terfs” and “Dead Terfs” are a …
Led By Donkeys have no shame
How do you get a hypocrite to feel shame? The activist collective Led By Donkeys think they have found the answer: organise a needling visual provocation in the hypocrite’s vicinity, put the film of it online, then watch it go …
Why Scotland’s ‘witches’ fought back
Witch hunts have long tormented Scotland. Thousands of women were tortured and executed there in the early-modern era, for the opaque crime of “witchcraft”. Over the past five years, a similarly senseless, though slightly less violent, campaign has been waged …
How Antifa went mainstream
In early 2018, I attended a reading at an independent bookstore in the heart of bourgeois Brooklyn. It was to launch the memoir of a Mexican-American former Border Patrol agent who had become disillusioned and quit. To the surprise of …
Guerrilla Marketing – #SolutionsWatch
From postcards to trash can fliers to good old fashioned homemade signs, join James for this week’s Solutions Watch as he explores the exciting world of guerrilla marketing.
Source: The Corbett Report Read the original article here: https://corbettreport.com …
Twenty years a Terf
Twenty years ago, the slur of “Terf” had not been invented, and the concept of gender ideology was confined to university lectures on Judith Butler. Radical feminists were fighting for the rights of women, and everyone knew they didn’t have …
The case for Left Conservatism
In the New Tragic Age, we face multiple existential transformations of our society — de-globalisation, a rising multi-polar world order, and the scarcity of limited resources on a finite planet. Most of these changes are downstream from the latter: we …
The murder trial that broke me
I see the worst of humanity, the very depths of depravity: I am a reporter on male violence against women and girls. There was a time in Sarajevo, not long after the Balkan war, when I witnessed a dozen women …
Why are teachers striking over slavery?
In 2019, my children’s teachers went on strike for higher pay, and I supported it, which was a bit of a surprise. I’d always thought public-sector unions a mockery of the idea of organised labour — not workers bargaining for …
In defence of Harry Kane
Poor Harry Kane, roundly mocked for almost-but-not-quite wearing his One Love rainbow armband in support of lesbian, gay and trans people during England’s first game in Qatar on Monday. Attacked on the one hand by various curmudgeons for “self-serving virtue …
Mental illness doesn’t make you special
Marianne Eloise wants the world to know that she does not “have a regular brain at all”. That’s her declaration, on the very first page of her new memoir, Obsessive, Intrusive, Magical Thinking. The book catalogues her experience of a …
How anti-racism can make you rich
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”. These wise words can be found in any number of Instagram statuses, attributed to any number of people who didn’t say them. How would …
In defence of Michel Foucault
Blaming French theory for the extremes of the American Left has been a popular line for that last few years. Public intellectual Jordan Peterson has blamed “postmodern neo-Marxism” for the rise of a hypersensitive yet coercive activism, connecting the term …
Interview 1672 – James Corbett on The US vs John Lennon
via Glass Onion: Glass Onion welcomes James Corbett of corbettreport.com to discuss the 2006 documentary about John’s political activism and his fight against the Nixon administration to stay in the U.S. We also take some time to look at the…