This is a long standing series of small items which have caught my eye or mind and which seem relevant, startling, amusing or all three. Occasionally items which appear here may return as a longer piece. Mostly they will not.

  1. If someone tries to jab me with the experimental covid jab against my will I shall tell them that it is dangerous for me to be jabbed because of a previous anaphylactic shock reaction to a vaccination. I shall also point out that my history is on record with my doctor and a solicitor.
  2. No new class of antibiotic has been found since the 1980s.…


Some of the posts we share are controversial and we do not necessarily agree with them in the whole extend. Sometimes we agree with the content or part of it but we do not agree with the narration or language. Nevertheless we find them somehow interesting, valuable and/or informative or we share them, because we strongly believe in freedom of speech, free press and journalism. We strongly encourage you to have a critical approach to all the content, do your own research and analysis to build your own opinion.

We would be glad to have your feedback.

Buy Me A Coffee

Source: Dr Vernon Coleman - MB ChB DSc Read the original article here: