Dementia is now said to be the commonest cause of death among the elderly. This is nonsense. The commonest causes of death among the elderly are a) untreated pneumonia b) starvation and dehydration because food and water have been withheld.…
The Dalai Lama’s greatest failure
Why does Buddhism get a free pass among religion’s cultured despisers? With the notable exception of the great Christopher Hitchens, who dished it out to all, most of the Western media hold Buddhism generally, and the Dalai Lama in particular, …
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Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: …
NHS: What’s wrong and how to put it right
A recent survey showed that no more than a quarter of the people in the UK think the NHS provides a decent or even adequate service. Huge numbers of NHS employees say that they would not want their loved ones …
You are not alone!
Right from the start of the fake pandemic I ended my videos with the line: ‘You are not alone, more and more people are waking up and once they awake they don’t go back to sleep.’
Well, here is some …
Meeting People is Easy – #SolutionsWatch
Here on #SolutionsWatch we’ve looked at Building Community as a key part of the solution to the issues that we face . . . but how do you find that community in the first place? Today on the de-program James …
Your Home Will Become a ‘Stranded Asset’
The United Nations and the World Economic Forum want to control every aspect of the way you live. If they get their way then nothing will stay the same. You will have to adapt your house so that it is …
Korsgaard Publishing
Since March 2020, I’ve found it increasingly difficult to find publishers prepared to produce copies of my books. Publishers who had published my books for years suddenly decided that I was too dangerous and refused to publish anything with my …
Party Like It’s 1907
I have an email interview to present to you. It was conducted by Graham Smith, founder of Voluntary Japan, and posted to last week. It’s a more in-depth look into the latest banking shenanigans, the historical parallels that can …
Something Fishy / Easter Sunday / Hugo Talks
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Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: …
FLASHBACK: Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy (2013)
FROM 2013: In this week’s special documentary episode of the podcast, we explore the life and legend of Lee Harvey Oswald. Was he a poor, disgruntled loner or an overachieving marine? A presidential assassin or a sheep-dipped patsy? Find out …
Mr Henry Mulligan
Long before I became old myself I had great affection for elderly folk. I felt that in hospitals, nursing homes and care homes in particular the older patients were often unappreciated, frequently treated without respect and regarded as subhuman. Too …
Here’s How They Tricked People into Wanting to Work at Home
In my book A Bigger Problem than Climate Change (originally published in 2007) I pointed out that the International Energy Agency had published the draft version of a report telling countries to prepare for when the oil started to run …
Good Friday FakeStream Media News Roundup / Hugo Talks
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Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: …
Passing Observations 155
Men and women should act with honour, courage and respect. God gave the British people the gift of Matt Hancock to remind us what happens when we abandon these guiding principles.
‘Bottom line is this, Bubba. It’s you and me.