Learn to Know Yourself

Vernon Coleman’s hugely popular book Know Yourself has just been republished as a paperback. The book contains 940 questions that reveal the real you. Are you loyal, obsessive or inquisitive? What job is right for you? Will you ever be …

Vernon Coleman’s New Video

Vernon Coleman’s new video entitled ‘The Ten Biggest and Dangerous Lies‘ is available on Bitchute and on this website. Please subscribe to Vernon Coleman’s channel on Bitchute so that you know immediately when new videos are released.

Source: Dr Vernon …

Passing Observations 201

    The United Nations, the Round Table, Black Lives Matter, the Democrats, the Republicans have destroyed our lives with the controversies over gender (with insane gender language changes being introduced with the sole idea of creating confusion and destroying human relationships),

Laws about Dogs

Newspapers in Britain are running big campaigns to force the Government to introduce tougher laws on the control of dogs.

They are wasting their time.

The laws we need already exist. The problem is that the police seem unaware of …