In my previous post, I wrote about various kinds of deception practiced by the globalists to achieve their nefarious goals. Just after completing it the monkeypox – now renamed Mpox, apparently because, puzzlingly, ‘monkeypox’ is ‘racist’ – phenomenon resurfaced, after briefly appearing in 2022, and then disappearing off the radar. 

David Bell’s informative recent article has indicated the anomalies involved in the WHO’s declaration that its ‘outbreak’ in the DRC is a ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern,’ one of which is the fact that thousands of people (mainly children) die annually of malaria in the DRC, without necessitating a comparable response by the WHO. But one might go further than the anomalies regarding the numbers of the deceased involving monkeypox, and ask what the probable motives behind the declaration of a health emergency by the WHO really are. 

The direction in which I would like to take it therefore concerns evidence that the alarm raised by the WHO rests on its desire to conceal the link between the Covid injections – particularly the mRNA varieties – and what may appear, symptomatically, to be monkeypox, but is not. Judging by Dr Bell’s article, it would seem that the monkeypox cases in the DRC – one of the least vaxxed continents in the world during the Covid ‘pandemic’ – are the real thing. But what appeared in the ‘vaccinated’ in 2022, and seems to be beginning to appear again, in the guise of severe blistering, for example, resembles monkeypox symptoms, so calling it by that name is a very handy camouflage. This is the first level of deception.

But there is more. The second deceptive move concerns something far more lethal – monkeypox mRNA ‘vaccines,’ so-called. Their sleight-of-hand regarding monkeypox as a ‘disease of concern’ has created the opening for getting more needles into arms, and my guess, informed by lessons learnt before, is that these will be kill shots. 

What evidence do I have for this claim? It just so happens that a senior Israeli scientist provided a clue to this connection between the vax and monkeypox symptoms in 2022 already. On August 4, 2022, Suzanne Burdick reported as follows on The Defender (keep in mind that this was at a time when Twitter was heavily censored for so-called disinformation, before Elon Musk acquired Twitter and renamed it X): 

Twitter last week censored Shmuel Shapira, M.D., MPH, for suggesting a connection between the monkeypox outbreak and mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, according to a Kanekoa’s Newsletter Substack post published Wednesday.

Shapira, who said he was injured after receiving his third dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, said Twitter demanded he remove a tweet that said:

Monkey pox cases were rare for years. During the last years a single case was documented in Israel. It is well established the mRNA vaccines affect the natural immune system. A monkey pox outbreak following massive covid vaccination: *Is not a coincidence.

That this was a noteworthy event is apparent from the number of times the report was repeated elsewhere. It is worthwhile reading this report in its entirety, particularly because it underscores the courage of Dr Shapira, a senior medical scientist, who did not hesitate to criticise Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ and the policy of medical authorities responsible for having these administered to as many of their countries’ citizens as possible. Small wonder he was unceremoniously silenced.

How reliable is Dr Shapira’s implied postulation of a link between the Covid injections (particularly the Pfizer variety, which was distributed in Israel) and ‘monkeypox?’ One does not have to look far for more indications that he was on target with his suggestion. On The People’s Voice website, one finds a recent article about virologists ‘blowing the whistle’ on precisely this issue. Here is the gist of the article:

Top doctors worldwide are stepping forward to expose the World Health Organization’s monkeypox scare as a cover-up for known side effects linked to the Covid mRNA vaccines.

According to leading virologist Dr. Poornima Wagh, we are not experiencing an outbreak of monkeypox around the world, as claimed by the WHO. As Dr. Wagh explains, the symptoms experienced by those diagnosed with monkeypox are actually a known side-effect of the Covid shots.

Meanwhile, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has warned that the WHO’s claims of a monkeypox emergency is another scam and the disease we are witnessing is actually the result of destroyed immune system [sic] shingles caused by the Covid shots.

To emphasise the validity of this claim, two maps of the world are provided, the first one showing the most (Pfizer-) vaccinated countries in the world (in red), and the second indicating the countries that have reported ‘monkeypox’ cases to the WHO since 2022 (in shades of blue). As the article points out, with the exception of African countries where monkeypox is endemic, there is a conspicuous correlation between the two maps.  

Perhaps the most persuasive information regarding the claim that ‘monkeypox’ is in fact a symptom of the Covid ‘vaccine’ is found lower down in the article, where an excerpt from a confidential Pfizer document on the jab’s known side effects is reproduced. The side effect in question is called ‘autoimmune blistering disease’ and is among the known adverse effects in the 9-page list. That this condition may easily be mistaken for monkeypox is evident from the shocking photograph reproduced in the article, of a German man with a ‘rotting nose’ and unsightly blisters on his face. Small wonder the WHO thinks that it might succeed in deceiving the world with its spurious claims!

One cannot but admire the courageous doctors who are taking a tremendous risk by bringing the (acknowledged) connection between the Covid injections and ‘monkeypox’ symptoms into the public domain. As for the probable aetiology involved, the article points to the destruction of the immune system by the so-called ‘vaccines’ (briefly alluded to in an earlier citation): ‘Official government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection is in the process of reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the severe damage mRNA does to the immune system.’ 

It should therefore not come as a surprise that, by way of further confirmation, this connection between the Covid injections and what is ostensibly monkeypox, judging by the relevant symptoms, is reported in peer-reviewed papers too – where, paradoxically, after positing the link between the Covid jabs and ‘severe blistering disease’ (which resembles monkeypox symptomatically) the researchers urge clinicians to take note of the possible adverse effects of the ‘vaccine,’ but nevertheless encourage patients to ‘obtain the vaccination in order to assist the public health systems to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic.’ One such article was published on Pubmed. Here is the abstract:

Background: Cases of severe autoimmune blistering diseases (AIBDs) have recently been reported in association with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccination.

Aims: To describe a report of oropharyngeal Pemphigus Vulgaris (OPV) triggered by the mRNABNT162b2 vaccine (Comirnaty®/ Pfizer/ BioNTech) and to analyze the clinical and immunological characteristics of the AIBDs cases reported following the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.

Methods: The clinical and immunological features of our case of OPV were documented. A review of the literature was conducted and only cases of AIBDs arising after the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination were included.

Case report: A 60-year old female patients [sic] developed oropharyngeal and nasal bullous lesions seven days after the administration of a second dose of the mRNABNT162b2 vaccine (Comirnaty®/ Pfizer/BioNtech). According to the histology and direct immunofluorescence findings showing the presence of supra-basal blister and intercellular staining of IgG antibodies and the presence of a high level of anti-Dsg-3 antibodies (80 U/ml; normal < 7 U/ml) in the serum of the patients, a diagnosis of oropharyngeal Pemphigus Vulgaris was made.

Review: A total of 35 AIBDs cases triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination were found (including our report). 26 (74.3%) were diagnosed as Bullous Pemphigoid, 2 (5.7%) as Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis, 6 (17.1%) as Pemphigus Vulgaris and 1 (2.9%) as Pemphigus Foliaceus. The mean age of the sample was 72.8 years and there was a predominance of males over females (F:M=1:1.7). In 22 (62.9%) cases, the disease developed after Pfizer vaccine administration, 6 (17.1%) after Moderna, 3 (8.6%) after AstraZeneca, 3 (8.6%) after CoronaVac (one was not specified). All patients were treated with topical and/or systemic corticosteroids, with or without the addition of immunosuppressive drugs, with a good clinical response in every case.

Conclusion: Clinicians should be aware of the potential, though rare, occurrence of AIBDs as a possible adverse event after the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. However, notwithstanding, they should encourage their patients to obtain the vaccination in order to assist the public health systems to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.

This study therefore suggests the possibility that under current circumstances, thousands, if not millions of the ‘vaccinated’ may present what would look like monkeypox symptoms, which would in fact be an effect of the Covid ‘vaccines.’ 

In light of publications such as this one, it seems fair to say that, given the symptomatic resemblance between monkeypox and ‘severe blistering disease,’ it would be advantageous for the neo-fascists driving the present crisis to create a global awareness of a supposed ‘monkeypox outbreak’ – a term which stretches the meaning of this word – in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where around 500 people have died of (endemic) monkeypox this year. 

It does not end there, either. With plenty of available evidence to the effect that depopulation is one of the chief objectives of the globalists – perhaps their main goal – they are (as I said earlier) probably banking on the likelihood that, persuading the largely gullible populations of the world that we are facing the possibility of another deadly ‘pandemic,’ may just get millions more needles into arms. Already there are indications that monkeypox ‘vaccines’ are being manufactured, and that African countries may need an estimated 10 million doses.

At least one person has recently been diagnosed with ‘monkeypox’ in Sweden. If this should ‘spread’ further in European countries, millions more ‘vaccine’ doses would be made available. And my hunch is that these have to be avoided at all costs.  

The lesson to be drawn from this latest effort by the neo-fascists to gain advantage from deception is, of course (as I have stressed before), that we cannot afford to relax our vigilance under any circumstances. But that is not enough. In a recent post, Haley Kynefin, building upon an excerpt from a book by Julie Ponesse, wrote persuasively about various aspects of anger. It is not surprising that both of these authors focused on anger, particularly under present circumstances. This is why it is not enough to remain vigilant. Anger is not always justified, but today it is more than justified in the face of the injustices – including the deceptions, with their ulterior motives – committed by the globalists. 

Through his conception of the human soul (psuche), the ancient Greek thinker, Plato, has given us important insight into the function of justified anger. Succinctly put, he divided the soul into three parts – reason, spirit, and appetite or passion – and attributed different functions and virtues (excellences) to each. That of reason is wisdom, of spirit (thumos) it is courage, and of appetite, it is temperance or moderation. Regarding spirit or thumos, it is germane to the present topic that Plato emphasised the connection between injustice and anger: when one witnesses an injustice being perpetrated, righteous and justified anger should manifest itself. If it does not, there is something absent from such a person’s soul; to wit, thumos. 

Hence, returning to the issue of ‘monkeypox,’ the mere fact that we are expected to believe the WHO’s claim that it comprises a ‘public health emergency,’ while the real health emergency concerns the lethal nature of the bioweapons they mislabel ‘vaccines,’ is not only an insult to one’s intelligence; it is cause for justified anger – as long as one remembers that Plato linked anger, as a function of the spirited part of the soul, to courage and determination. Anger at the multiple ways in which we are being deceived, and manipulated, and assaulted, should fuel our courage and determination to resist, and overcome, the sub-humans who are an insult to our humanity.        


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Source: Brownstone Institute Read the original article here: