Here are some facts for your consideration. First, Russia has a huge grain surplus. And too much fertiliser. Second, they can’t sell the stuff to the West because of stupid sanctions introduced by politicians with a yen for self-harming policies.
Interview 1822 – Preserving our History with Neil Oliver
If history is a story, who’s writing it? And who’s trying to erase it? Join James and archaeologist, author and TV presenter Neil Oliver as they sail the seas of history, discuss the value of memory and physical media, and …
The Medicine Men
My first book, published in 1975, was called The Medicine Men. It was the first book to attack the pharmaceutical industry and to excoriate the medical establishment for its links with the drug industry.
Astonishingly, the book was very well …
Twenty Things You Must Do In Paris
If you ever manage to get to Paris, here are 20 things you really should do:
Visit Père Lachaise. Just walk around aimlessly. The Père Lachaise cemetery gives real meaning to the word ‘gothic’.
Walk around the place des Vosges.
Meet J. P. Morgan, Bankster-in-Chief
How did John Pierpont Morgan’s life experiences shape a sickly young boy into the financial monarch he eventually became? And how did he, in turn, shape the world around him with the vast wealth that was at his disposal? Let’s …
Analysis MARK Of The BEAST / Rev 13 16-18 / Hugo Talks
Also Watch On Substack
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
The Truth About Glass-Steagall (2017)
FROM 2017: We all know the story by now: the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 led to the housing bubble, the subprime meltdown and the global financial crisis…right? What do we really know about Glass-Steagall and how do we know …
Passing Observations 194
The Office for National Statistics reckons that 5.6 million immigrants will come to England over the next decade. And 3.4 million tax-paying, largely white English people will leave in despair. Those are the official figures. The real figures will, inevitably,
A Doctor’s Challenge to the BMA
I recently received a copy of a statement made by Mr Philip Banfield, a retired gynaecologist who is the BMA UK Council Chair and who spoke at the official covid inquiry.
Banfield said: `Speaking in my capacity as BMA chair …
Interview 1821 – Kissinger and Xi Keep Great Reset on Track – #NewWorldNextWeek
This week on the New World Next Week: Kissinger meets old buddy Xi Jinping in Beijing to discuss the New World Order plan; the banksters prepare the public for the age of debanking; and the Hollyweird strike portends the new …
Satanic Media Pope / Hugo Talks
Also available to Watch on SUBSTACK
Source: Hugo Talks Read the original article here: https://hugotalks.com …
‘Their Terrifying Plan’ – Unmasking the Globalists
For over a year I’ve known I had to write a book exploring and explaining how the conspirators planned their takeover of the world, how they conceived the idea of using fake scares (such as covid-19 and climate change) and …
‘Their Terrifying Plan’ – Unmasking the Globalists
For over a year I’ve known I had to write a book exploring and explaining how the conspirators planned their takeover of the world, how they conceived the idea of using fake scares (such as covid-19 and climate change) and …
The Startling Truth about Vaccination against Poliomyelitis
Doctors trying to promote vaccines often claim that the disease poliomyelitis was eradicated by the use of a vaccine. This is, to put it politely, a barefaced lie. I know facts are unfashionable with the medical establishment these days but …
The Startling Truth about Vaccination against Poliomyelitis
Doctors trying to promote vaccines often claim that the disease poliomyelitis was eradicated by the use of a vaccine. This is, to put it politely, a barefaced lie. I know facts are unfashionable with the medical establishment these days but …