Source: I Hate to Say I Told You So…
Roadmap for the implementation of actions by the European Commission based on the commission communication and the council recommendation on strengthening cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases…
Enjoying free speech since 1984. Your daily dose of anti-propaganda!
Source: I Hate to Say I Told You So…
Roadmap for the implementation of actions by the European Commission based on the commission communication and the council recommendation on strengthening cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases…
Source: Looking Forward to the End of Humanity – #PropagandaWatch…
Dear Vice President Pence,
We, the undersigned physicians, respectfully and urgently request that our country’s businesses and schools be allowed to reopen.
We value every life lost to the novel virus COVID 19, but countless other people have paid an …
COVID-19 Response Deadlier than the Virus
COVID-19 Response Deadlier than the Virus, States the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons…
Source: CORNHOLER-19 – The Biggest Scam The Government and Media Ever Pulled…
We’ve spent hundreds of hours building this website and we update it every day for you to be able to have a wider perspective on important matters. This means that we need to go through all the material we share. …