Source: The Bill Gates Vaccine & The Great Population Reduction – David Icke…
Is Big Tech Planning A Massive Purge To Coincide With The COVID Vaccine Release?
Source: Is Big Tech Planning A Massive Purge To Coincide With The COVID Vaccine Release?…
COVID-19: A category 2 pandemic
Pandemic Severity Index’ was released by HHS in coordination with CDC
Source: COVID-19: A category 2 pandemic…
Why Do The Psychopaths REALLY Want To Vaccinate The World
Source: Why Do The Psychopaths REALLY Want To Vaccinate The World – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
How they pulled off the ‘pandemic’ – an animated film explanation by David Icke…How they pulled off the ‘pandemic’ – an animated film explanation by David Icke
Source: How they pulled off the ‘pandemic’ – an animated film explanation by David Icke…
Month Four of the Panic: Where Is the Evidence?
Dr. Carl Sagan was one of the premier scientists when it came to trying to bridge the gap of hard science with general public understanding. In the process, his personal enthusiasm for the wonder of science became evident to all. …
WHO Cares What Celebrities Think
Source: WHO Cares What Celebrities Think – #PropagandaWatch…
Our Kids Are Now Lab Rats – David Icke
Source: Our Kids Are Now Lab Rats – David Icke…
Big Pharma whistleblower: 97% of corona vaccine recipients are going to become infertile
Source: Big Pharma whistleblower: 97% of corona vaccine recipients are going to become infertile…
Vernon Coleman Five Battles We Cannot Afford to Lose
Source: Vernon Coleman Five Battles We Cannot Afford to Lose…
Which Pandemic?! Looking at Covid-19 numbers in perspective
“Killervirus” – data from Johns Hopkins Institute
Red = total infected and/or % of infected
Black = total deaths and/or % of fatalities in population
Nowhere was the 1% mark in deaths reached
By Ralph T. Niemeyer
Population from de.statista, …