The Unibright $UBT wallet will open for deposits at 7am CET on May 20th. BTC-UBT and ETH-UBT markets will begin trading shortly on For more information visit: @UnibrightIO #UBT #BGListings
— Bittrex Global (@BittrexGlobal) May 18, 2020…WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going forward
The World Health Organization lauded Sweden as a “model” for battling the coronavirus as countries lift lockdowns — after the nation controversially refused restrictions. Dr. Mike Ryan,
Source: WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going…
Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality rate by real-time antibody screening of blood donors | medRxiv
Background: The pandemic due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has tremendous consequences for our societies. Knowledge of the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 is needed to accurately monitor the spread of the epidemic and also to calculate the infection …
Dystopian and disturbing: Big Tech censorship lumps together conspiracy loons and proper scientists
YouTube has set itself up as the world’s thought police over Covid-19 and is shutting down the voices of highly respected experts. This has dangerous consequences for us all, as scepticism and questioning gets us closer to truth.
Source: Dystopian …
WHO chief promises independent & ‘transparent’ review of its handling of Covid-19 pandemic response
The World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has promised that an independent review of the organization’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic will begin at the “earliest appropriate” time.
Source: WHO chief promises independent & ‘transparent’ review of its …
New Facial Recognition Software Predicts You’re a Criminal Based on your Face
The University of Harrisburg unveiled facial recognition software that claims to be able to predict if you’re a criminal based on your face.
New Facial Recognition Software Predicts You’re a Criminal Based on your Face…
Anti-lockdown protest in Poland violently pacified by police. Warsaw, 16.05.2020
Protest Przedsiębiorców VS Policja (16.05.2020) {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/anti-lockdown-protest-in-poland-violently-pacified-by-police-warsaw-16-05-2020\/#arve-youtube-h9npecre-ky","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/H9NpecrE-KY?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=1&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"Protest Przedsi\u0119biorc\u00f3w VS Policja (16.05.2020)","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/vi_webp\/H9NpecrE-KY\/hqdefault.webp","uploadDate":"2020-05-17T16:01:00+00:00","author":"Bartosz P","description":"https:\/\/\/H9NpecrE-KY"}…
Rede Wolfgang Wodarg, Demo 8. Mahnwache Grundgesetz Stuttgart 16.5.2020
Regierungen und Justiz auf dünnem Eis Bei der erneuten Demonstration für unsere grundgesetzlich garantierten Freiheiten habe ich versucht klarzumachen, dass Regierung und Justiz sich bei einer Rechtsgüterabwägung zwischen persönlichen Freiheiten und Gesundheitsschutz nicht auf eine ausserordentliche gesundheitliche Gefahr berufen können. …
2,500 extra non-Covid deaths in a week. Collateral damage from the lockdown?
The big question is are these extra 2,500 deaths ‘collateral damage’ happening as a unintended consequence of the lockdown**?
Source: 2,500 extra non-Covid deaths in a week. Collateral damage from the lockdown?…
Governos estão a aproveitar Covid-19 para avançar na “arquitetura da opressão”, alerta Edward Snowden – Observador
Source: Governos estão a aproveitar Covid-19 para avançar na “arquitetura da opressão”, alerta Edward Snowden – Observador
Leis de emergência e de limitação às liberdades que têm o teimoso hábito de perdurar bem depois de a emergência desaparecer, cidadãos que …
Release the hounds! Singapore deploys ROBOT DOG to help enforce social distancing (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT World News
Which Black Mirror episode will we see next in real life?
Singapore has taken the monitoring and enforcement of social distancing to a whole new level, opting to deploy a robot dog, backed by a fleet of drones, to make …
Fürs Protokoll: Bundesregierung schließt Corona-Impfpflicht kategorisch aus
Die Bundesregierung hat kategorisch ausgeschlossen, dass es im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie zu einer Impfpflicht kommen wird.
Source: Fürs Protokoll: Bundesregierung schließt Corona-Impfpflicht kategorisch aus…
Sweden passes 3,000 coronavirus deaths as Scandinavian nation becomes battleground for lockdown debate
Sweden has recorded more than 3,000 coronavirus deaths, with the elderly bearing the brunt of the pandemic. But the Scandinavian nation has so far avoided the apocalyptic predictions made by its critics.
Source: Sweden passes 3,000 coronavirus deaths as Scandinavian …