Confidential Pfizer COVID Vaccine Documents state ‘Shedding’ is possible via ‘Skin-to-Skin Contact’ & ‘Breathing the same Air’ and can cause ‘Menstrual Cycle Disruption’ & ‘Miscarriage’

Hundreds if not thousands of women have reported that they have suffered irregular bleeding/clotting after receiving one of the mRNA Covid vaccines. Sadly thousands of others have also now reported the loss […]

Source: The Expose Read the original article …

FACT CHECK: Dear Andrew Neil & BBC News… UK Gov. reports prove 30% of England’s population are NOT Vaccinated, equating to 19 million people, & 30 million (50%) have refused the Booster jab… Stop lying to the public!

Official figures published by the UK Government prove that the British public is being lied to about the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections, and the true number of people who have refused […]

Source: The Expose Read the original article …