U.S Gov. Reports reveal many Children have been Permanently Disabled or Killed by COVID Vaccination & just 4 to 6% of the Vaccine Batches produced are responsible but Medicine Regulators have refused to act

Official U.S Government data reveals extremely high numbers of adverse reactions, hospitalisations, life-threatening events, permanent disabilities, and deaths among children have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines numerous […]

Source: The Expose Read the original article …

U.S. Gov. Data reveals every single Death due to COVID Vaccination was caused by just 4 to 5% of the COVID Vaccine batches produced but Medicine Regulators have refused to withdraw them

An investigation of official U.S. Government data, provided by the Centers for Disease Control, has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers […]

Source: The Expose Read the original article …