“The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism; there is no better way to stifle that criticism than to attack any isolated voice, any raiser of new doubts, as a profane violator of the wisdom of his ancestors. Another …
How Modeling Can Go Terribly Wrong
To theorize about our existence is essential. Indeed it could be argued that to think and speak is, in the most basic sense, to impose abstract models upon the multiple and often confusing manifestations of life around us. Without mental …
Reclaim the Elites’ Frame
One of the reasons corrupt governments love war so much is that it’s an all-access excuse to do the unthinkable. You can direct it abroad or focus it at home. You can fund and staff foreign battles or you can …
Appellate Court Paves the Way to Quarantine Camps
I hope you are sitting down when you read this article.
There is absolutely no way I can possibly sugar coat this, so I’ll just be frank… The NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division’s Fourth Judicial Department has issued their ruling …
How Did Higher Education Become a Cargo Cult?
The “cargo cult” represents an important concept and seems especially so of late. Early observations of such behavior emerged in island cultures exposed to European explorers. Ships unlike anything previously dreamed of arrived full of strange people with wondrous trade …
What is Medical Freedom, Exactly?
The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.
SocratesThe phrase “medical freedom” has become common usage in the wake of the Covid-19 catastrophe. But like many buzzwords and neologisms, “medical freedom” is perhaps ill-defined or even undefined. We …
The Emptiness of the Transhumanist Ideal
Albrecht Durer’s Hare (Feldhase) hangs on a wall in the Albertina museum in Vienna. This picture, or at least prints of it, had meant a lot to me since childhood. I had grown up loving art but lived far from …
Some recent livestreams
I recently talked about the so-called “Dead Internet” theory and you can watch the replay HERE. and also, why are so many (small and large) content creators leaving Youtube now? Watch the […]
Source: BJØRN ANDREAS BULL-HANSEN Read the original …
Panopticism on Steroids
It is no secret, especially since 2020, that we live in a society where surveillance of various kinds and at different levels – optical, audial, text-oriented, administrative – has increased almost unbearably. As long ago as 2011 Sherry Turkle sounded …
Cutting through the Mist of the Managerial State
Who, if anyone, or what, if anything, is in charge?
In many ways this is the question of the age, inspiring passionate debates across the ideological spectrum, with divergent answers springing not just from left and right but from every …
A New Dark Age
Are we moving back into a new Dark Age? The similarities between recent developments and many of the characteristics of The Dark Ages are many. Watch on Youtube HERE. Watch on Rumble […]
Source: BJØRN ANDREAS BULL-HANSEN Read the original …
The Question of Iceland’s Vaccine Policy
Now that the numbers are in, the Icelandic Chief Medical Officer (CMO) claims vaccination against Covid-19 reduced the probability of death from the disease by half, compared with no vaccination. But the actual figures tell a very different story, and the …
When Nearly All Governments in the World Met Their Match
What was the fundamental error of the Covid response?
We’ve yet to come to terms with it. It traces to a far-flung and completely impossible and deeply destructive ambition – with no defined limits to the measures constructed to achieve …
Witnessing the Media’s Covid Coverage from the Inside
In the movie An Education, the main character gets sidetracked from her studies by a smooth-talking art dealer who turns out to be a criminal—and married. Our protagonist learns more from that experience than from all the medieval literature books …
Looking for Trouble that Doesn’t Exist
About a month ago, I underwent my annual physical. I’m required to do this to keep my medical insurance.
As I generally avoid medical treatment, I don’t value medical insurance as highly as do most other people. On a society-wide …