Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overestimated?
“Stick to the numbers!”
2009 A/H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic
ISGlobal – COVID-19: Scientific Updates
Seems to be a very good source of reliable information
Source: ISGlobal – COVID-19: Scientific Updates
Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social – Profesionales – Situación actual Coronavirus
Source: Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social – Profesionales – Situación actual Coronavirus…
Trump calls for halt to WHO funding: ‘So much death has been caused by their mistakes’
President Trump said he is instructing his administration to hold funding of the World Health Organization while a review is conducted to assess its role in the spread of the coronavirus. “So much death has been caused by their mistakes,” …
Epidemia COVID-19 Aggiornamento nazionale 9 aprile 2020 – ore 16:00 DATA PUBBLICAZIONE: 10 APRILE 2020
Epidemia COVID-19
Aggiornamento nazionale
9 aprile 2020 – ore 16:00
7 Ways You Are Harming Your Immune System
Many of our daily habits can contribute to a weak immune system. Watch out for these common mistakes which are known to harm the immune system.
Source: 7 Ways You Are Harming Your Immune System…
This video has circulated in reports about people who died during the
A video has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that it shows bodies being removed from a hospital in Iran during the novel coronavirus pandemic. The claim is false; the video has circulated in …