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Studies on Covid-19 Lethality Original source page
Published: May 12, 2020; Last updated: June 12, 2020
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Immunological research indicates that …
Doctors in Italy have finally began widely prescribing hydroxychloroquine in certain combinations in Rome and the wider region of Lazio with a population of around…
Source: Italy Finally Starts Mass Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine | Trustnodes…
Camilla Stoltenberg, Director General of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, believes less far-going measures would have been sufficient. Photo: Difi/Flickr
The head of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health believes Norway could have brought the coronavirus pandemic under control …
{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@id":"https:\/\/straight2point.info\/coronavirus-second-wave-is-coming-understand-what-its-about-and-prepare\/#arve-youtube-eupkzjryvps","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\/embed\/eUPkZJRyVps?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=1&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"Coronavirus Second Wave Is Coming - Understand what it's about and prepare","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi\/eUPkZJRyVps\/hqdefault.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-05-22T00:59:45+00:00","author":"Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen","description":""}…
Estonia has started to test one of the world’s first digital immunity passports, created by a team including founders of global tech startups Transferwise and Bolt, seeking a safer return to workplaces following the coronavirus lockdown.
Source: Estonia starts testing …
Source: OMS confirma: novo coronavírus não se transmite através do ar – Ciência & Saúde – SÁBADO
“O coronavírus é sobretudo transmitido através de gotículas geradas quando uma pessoa infetada tosse, espirra ou fala”. Num estudo publicado este fim de …
Autoridades dizem que medida não impede a propagação do novo coronavírus e que transmitem uma “falsa sensação de segurança”
Source: Covid-19: afinal, os especialistas dizem que não devemos usar luvas | TVI24…
Dr. Judy Mikovits is an American activist. She was also the star of controversial documentary Plandemic Part 1 which has made international headlines
Source: Responding To Criticism Surrounding My Viral Documentary ‘The Plandemic’ – Dr. Judy Mikovits – London Real…
Pandemic of Fear
(published 12.04.2020)
https://youtu.be/SNgsnFh8YmQ The End of the Virus, The Beginning of Slavery. The Hoax of all Times.(published 20.05.2020)
https://youtu.be/viIMEVLxt5c…Significado de is fecit cui prodest – a expressão do latim is fecit cui prodest significa fez aquele a quem aproveitou na Língua Portuguesa.
Definição de is fecit cui prodest
Fez aquele a quem aproveitou. Quase sempre pratica um delito …
Source: The Trap of Being Right | Charles Eisenstein…