Documents from a whistleblower within the UK government
COVID-19 Masks Are Polluting Beaches and Oceans
As if the Texas-sized gyre of plastic floating around the Pacific Ocean was not troubling enough, now there is a new scourge polluting the world’s waters: face masks and sanitary gloves.
The COVID-19 detritus has meant that discarded face masks …
Live on COVID-19 transmission with Dr Michael Ryan and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove
#COVID19 LIVE Q&A with Dr Mike Ryan and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove – #AskWHO of 9 June 2020 {"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@id":"https:\/\/straight2point.info\/live-on-covid-19-transmission-with-dr-michael-ryan-and-dr-maria-van-kerkhove\/#arve-youtube-7rcj2yynkuk","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\/embed\/7RcJ2yyNkUk?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=1&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"#COVID19 LIVE Q&A with Dr Mike Ryan and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove - #AskWHO of 9 June 2020","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi_webp\/7RcJ2yyNkUk\/hqdefault.webp","uploadDate":"2020-06-10T00:36:48+00:00","author":"World Health Organization (WHO)","description":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/7RcJ2yyNkUk"}…
COVID-19 in Africa | WHO Media Briefing | June 4th
Seems that World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation now turn their Eye on Africa.
The Social Media Exodus Has Begun. Here’s Where Everybody’s Going.
Source: The Social Media Exodus Has Begun. Here’s Where Everybody’s Going.…
To citizens wearing medical masks: you’re whacko conspiracy theorists « Jon Rappoport’s Blog
by Jon Rappoport
June 9, 2020
Mask wearers of the world, take them off—you have nothing to lose but your insanity…
Journal of the American Medical Association, April 17, 2020, “Masks and Coronavirus Disease”: “Unless you are sick, a health …
Here we go… Those f#$kin’ psychopaths!
Dr Pavel Blagov of Whitman College in Washington led the study and found a psychopathic personality was linked to ignoring and even flagrant breaches of public health rules.
Source: Psychopathic personalies are more likely to ignore COVID guidelines…
Dying of neglect: the other Covid care home scandal
Out of sight, the elderly have remained out of mind during this crisis
Source: Dying of neglect: the other Covid care home scandal | The Spectator…