Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation
Children who reacted badly to vaccine now suffer from debilitating sleep disorder narcolepsy.
Source: Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation…
“Parody” of Bill Gates explaining his plans for the world.
“Parody” of Bill Gates explaining his plans for the world.…
Online Platforms’ Moderation of Illegal Content Online
EU one step closer to censorship and dystopia.
Online platforms have created content moderation systems, particularly in relation to tackling illegal content online. This study reviews and assesses the EU regulatory framework on content moderation and the practices by …
Face Masks Are Lethal – Canadian Workplace Test Confirms Dangerous Oxygen Deprivation
Source: Face Masks Are Lethal – Canadian Workplace Test Confirms Dangerous Oxygen Deprivation…
Physician Letter: Reopen America
Dear Vice President Pence,
We, the undersigned physicians, respectfully and urgently request that our country’s businesses and schools be allowed to reopen.
We value every life lost to the novel virus COVID 19, but countless other people have paid an …
COVID-19 Response Deadlier than the Virus
COVID-19 Response Deadlier than the Virus
COVID-19 Response Deadlier than the Virus, States the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons…
CORNHOLER-19 – The Biggest Scam The Government and Media Ever Pulled
Source: CORNHOLER-19 – The Biggest Scam The Government and Media Ever Pulled…
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We’ve spent hundreds of hours building this website and we update it every day for you to be able to have a wider perspective on important matters. This means that we need to go through all the material we share. …