Estimation of seroprevalence of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) using preserved serum at an outpatient setting in Kobe, Japan: A cross-sectional study. | medRxiv

Summary Background

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has been affecting many people on earth and our society. Japan is known to have relatively less number of infections as well as deaths among developed nations. However, accurate prevalence …

The way to beat the coronavirus – Real Time with Bill Maher

New Rule: Immunity Booster | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/the-way-to-beat-the-coronavirus-real-time-with-bill-maher\/#arve-youtube-28i5wylp15o","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/28I5WyLp15o?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=1&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"New Rule: Immunity Booster | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/vi_webp\/28I5WyLp15o\/hqdefault.webp","uploadDate":"2020-05-18T18:58:09+00:00","author":"Real Time with Bill Maher","description":"https:\/\/\/28I5WyLp15o"}…