Book Burning Goes Digital

In March 2021, the Biden White House initiated a brazenly unconstitutional censorship campaign to prevent Americans from buying politically unfavorable books from Amazon. 

The effort, spearheaded by White House censors including Andy Slavitt and Rob Flaherty, began on March 2, …

They Don’t Own You

Isn’t it funny how governments aren’t really talking about freedom anymore? Isn’t it funny how everything gets more expensive? And isn’t it funny when they suggest you’re now going to work for […]

Source: BJØRN ANDREAS BULL-HANSEN Read the original …

The Service of Dissent

Is academic freedom becoming a casualty of the modern university, as the latter is transformed by the public-private partnerships that increasingly dominate our political life? 

Just before Easter, a Montreal man, father of four and full professor at a university …

Questions for Trump About Covid

Note to Substack readers: this is an updated version of an article first published on

Donald Trump will likely become the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024, without ever having to answer any questions about his administration’s disastrous pandemic response.

If …