Freud is coming for your kids

According to an old joke, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are enjoying some pastries in a Viennese coffee shop. The younger analyst hesitantly asks the elder: “Tell me, Herr Professor Freud… vat lies between fear und sex?”. With furrowed brow, …

America has been hustled

“When you hustle you keep score real simple. The end of the game you count up your money. That’s how you find out who’s best. That’s the only way.” The lines come from The Hustler (1961) starring Paul Newman, George …

UK government’s starvation policy

Six decades of government-backed policies promoting agribusiness and pharmaceutical inputs over sustainable farming practices have created a perfect storm.  The policies have led to a loss of soil nourishment and biodiversity, making […]

Source: The Expose Read the original article …

I Escaped

From an early age, I always had a need to get away from the noise of the modern world. Watch on Youtube HERE.

Source: BJØRN ANDREAS BULL-HANSEN Read the original article here: …