Fauci’s ‘DNA of Caring’

Dr. Anthony Fauci often claims a “DNA of caring” yet his actions reveal a stark contrast. Avoiding direct patient care, Dr. Fauci focused on populations—effecting a mindset aligned with abstract compassion for humanity that nonetheless neglects individual rights. His so-called …

My summer with Gibbon

The year 1776 was an eventful one. The August issue of the Gentleman’s Magazine duly carried a curious document from across the ocean called “The Declaration of American Independence”, before proceeding to a more serious matter: a review of a …

Nixon vs. McGovern 2.0

Any number of pundits and social commentators are looking at the current presidential election matchup between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in terms of its historical, societal, or political ramifications. They’ve come up with several hypotheses, some of which are …